Thursday, May 29, 2008

one down eight to go

the only really finished one so far, just got the background done and it took far too long... trying to not get lazy and make the others crappy too

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


heres my phant ... these are starting to go along more smoothly i guess i'm getting the hang of it just wish i had Ai at home and not just shop

king of kong

gorilla for the record. still no back grounds but i like it so far

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

owning photographs is a very slippery slope.  both side are equally valid in their points but then we need to remember that in both cases that we're talking about what could happen. Photo-synth hasn't been launched yet and the girl wasn't hurt by any means.  Photo-synth has potential to be great and in some circumstances some one's private photos could be spread around the world.
as far as i'm concerned once you put your pictures online they're fair game to be used.  I personally post plenty of my pictures online in the false hope that no one takes them.  but i also turn down the resolution on my images when posting them so if people do use them they don't have the original image.  I use google image for inspiration a ton.  I rarely use it for projects because the pictures are a pain to work with and its copying and there by not really your work.  companies don't really like that.


this one took way to long to load up and turns out it was just a stupid mistake

this is my yak so far

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

rhinos belong in the zoo

this is my ugly rhino, mybe the start of my new project maybe just an idea ... maybe the start of a revolution

Monday, May 19, 2008

response to reading

the author talks a lot about the meaning of a photograph and the power that it holds. the idea that this simple piece of paper can capture an incredibly important time in the person's life and that when he talks to them these become such a pivotal part of the memory.  i really like where he talked about what men are typically photographed by and what women are normally photographed by.   this interests me and might be what i'll to my 8x8 project on.  also when he talks about people faces being hard to remember, and thats why we have drivers licenses.  this could make for and interesting project.  
today starts digital imaging ... from now on thats what gets posted here ... i'm seeing my self in a month or so reading this and not remembering doing this