Saturday, March 29, 2008

this is sooooo

Yeah i realize that this is copying another image but thats the assignment 

Monday, March 10, 2008

photo future

as long as people had been painting they had been trying their best to portray exactly what they saw. Then the camera came along and was able to do this much easier.  Painters didn't see and future in photo realism painting. This gave way to the Abstract movement.  Digital cameras have been trying now to photograph exactly what is seen.  How many megapixels can we put into one image?  The age of abstract photography is upon us and we have no choice but to let this wave hit us in the chest.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

this is not an attack on christianity. this is an attack of those running the show.

If you don't like the cook you don't keep going to the restaurant. 

Monday, March 3, 2008


         Teach me about your thoughts on life,  people have their ideas on how the after life is, who their god is and what he/she is going to be like.  This is wrong, eat this now, say this and kneel, now sit.  We've put too much thought into something that isn't going to be there in the end.  Crazy shit happens, and thats enough to make me happy.  The church has become such a business to me.  People have killed for this book that might not even be translated right.I can or can not marry another guy because the guy calling the shots is so into the bible.  Separation of church and state? give me a reason why its not ok to be gay, is that just as bad as me eating meat last friday?  

        I'm ok with it that you went to church on sunday but what does that have to do with me?  You don't want to see graffiti on the walls and i don't want to see you crosses in my town.  I'm passive as i can but i'm passionate.  

        we're going to die and float in darkness for ever.  thats the end.


computers drawing of a mentor that we've had.  i think it was a mentor, maybe a person who changed you, or some one you look up to.  

Sunday, March 2, 2008

this is an old image from last week
just throwing it up cause i wanted to put up the work i was just doing but it won't go up.